Fresh Cheese
Make this recipe with me on the Dishing up Durham show! Watch Season 1 - Episode 21.
Featuring: Kawartha Dairy Milk
8 cups Kawartha Dairy 3.25%MF Milk
5 oz (150ml) Sheldon Creek 45%MF Cream
Juice of 2 lemons
1 tsp salt
● Place milk and cream in a large sauce pot set over high heat and bring just to a simmer, then remove from heat, stir in lemon juice and salt, cover, and set aside until curds and whey separate, about 10 minutes.
● Meanwhile, run a double layer of cheesecloth (large enough to line a colander) under warm water, squeeze out excess water, and line colander. Set colander inside a large bowl and position in sink directly below faucet.
● Pour warm milk mixture into colander, then gather up ends of cheesecloth, tie around faucet, and let cheese hang for a minimum of 15 minutes but no longer than 20 minutes to achieve a perfect soft cheese consistency.
● Serve fresh cheese warm with olive oil and a crack of black pepper, or use in any recipes that call for ricotta cheese.